The importance of KPI planning

See the importance of KPI planning See the importance of KPI planningNowadays, I still see several digital projects going live without a clear definition of their objectives and corresponding KPIs – Key Performance Indicators . This is quite serious, as the market grows every year and more and more money is invested both in the development of the project itself and in the purchase of media, in addition to the increase in the demand for return on investment by companies.

Without these key indicators, decision-making to optimize results is completely compromised, because how will we know if our actions are bringing positive results, and what lessons are learned from mistakes? It’s an old cliché, but it fits here: what you don’t measure, you don’t manage. So the question remains: What is the process for defining indicators for a digital project? There are several methodologies for this, but they all have a common basis.

Defining goals and paths A good place to start is to examine the company’s mission. With the mission, you can discover the company’s reason for being: what does it produce? How does it want to be recognized in the market in which it operates? And its vision: What is the situation the company wants to reach in a given period of time? What is the short- and long-term business strategy defined to make the vision a reality.

And here I will make an aside


These areas use digital projects that can be applications or websites and that must meet a need among stakeholders, be they the end customer, suppliers, business partners or internal audience. And this need translates into objectives that must be very well defined before thinking about any development. Defining KPIs for an e-commerce Defining key indicators based on objectives is sometimes easy and concrete, as is the case with e-commerce, where it is clear that KPIs can be revenue, cost, profit, ROI and conversion rate and their variations from day to day or month to month depending on the situation.


Transforming DB into actionable information is accurate mobile phone number list critical for corporations. Database and the work this for the text and the work this for systems shop installed records, and changing this into and the text significant insights drives and the work this for the work strategic selections. With right DB control, uncooked and the work this for the text facts may be processed, analyzed, and used for reporting, supporting groups optimize operations and forecast trends efficaciously.

In the end, doing the opposite, the indicators are aligned with the sales area, which in turn are, or should be, aligned with the corporation’s mission.

On the other hand, in projects


Whose objective is brand building, product experience and the definition of KPIs require a little more work, as their definition is not so obvious, nor is it clear how much it contributed to the company’s ROI, or brand building. Defining KPIs for a digital project is apparently a complex topic, as it involves reading the company and departmental strategy, understanding the mission, vision and a series of other points. But I can say that, as everything in life is a matter of practice, just start: Do you already know and understand your company’s mission and vision.

How to use the Boost Post feature on Facebook How to use the Boost Post feature on Facebook See how to use the Boost Post feature on Facebook and increase the reach of your posts Knowing how to use the Boost Post feature on Facebook is a priority for anyone involved in Facebook Marketing . Contrary to what many people think, a post on Facebook is not automatically displayed to all of a page’s fans. It is estimated that the average reach of a simple publication is seen in the news feed of less than 20% of the page’s fans. In other words, if we rely on organic (not paid) propagation, the reach of a post is much lower than the number of fans of a page. To increase this reach, Facebook offers the Boost tool , one of the.

Facebook Ads modalities


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Which allows the post to be displayed to a much larger number of people, thus increasing the impact of the publication and its viral potential. The Boost Post feature is only available to Pages that have more than 400 fans. How to set up Boost Post on Facebook Every time a post is deciding after which grade is it better to enroll published, Facebook displays the Boost Post button in the bottom right corner of the post. Clicking on it will give you the option to boost this post to people who would otherwise not be reached by the limitations imposed by EdgeRank . How to Use Facebook Boost Post as a Facebook Marketing Strategy How to use Facebook’s Boost Post feature to increase the reach of your posts.

This feature is very interesting for those who work with marketing. In the Facebook Marketing course, we recommend using the Boost feature in situations where you want to highlight: Disclosure of promotions, discounts and offers; Disclosure of events and facts relevant to the brand; Relevant posts on other media such as blogs; Other cross media actions. The Boost Post feature is available for any type of post, be it text, questions, photos or videos. It is important to highlight that this tool is part of a strategy to promote and expose the brand’s Page and does not seek to expand the fan base, although, due to its amplification potential, a small expansion of this base is likely.

To maintain the focus of the


News Feed and display the most recent news, sponsored posts have a short duration, up to seven days. Therefore, it is important to plan this action in advance, avoiding, for example, the promotion time covering periods that usually have low audience, such as weekends or holidays, depending btc databasees on the target audience profile. Payment can be made by credit card or PayPal, depending on the payment method configured in the ad management environment’s administrative panel. The value of the action will depend on the audience you want to reach. Measurement of the Promotion action Results of Facebook Boost Post actionsThe Boost a post function on Facebook is a paid marketing action that, like others, needs to be measured, mainly so that we can determine the ROI of the action.

As with other social media

This summary includes some of the main performance indicators: Boosted Post Reach Degree of involvement Number of clicks Page Likes Segmentation data In the ad management panel, we can have more detailed information about the performance of the promoted publication, such as the click-through rate and the CPM .

Cost Per Thousand of the promotion


Based on this data, we can extract several other indicators, such as the CTR and others that apply to the analysis in question. Facebook also provides detailed information on the publication’s traffic, dividing it into organic and paid. This way, we can analyze the true impact of the action more accurately. Another way to analyze the impact of the sponsored post that we always suggest in our Facebook Ads Course is from the perspective of access to the website or specific page of the promotion.

Analytics by identifying the accesses originated by clicks on the post link. As in the case of Google Analytics we cannot distinguish between organic and paid access, the analysis is a little distorted. To solve this problem, one option would be to tag the link using Google’s UTM tool, creating a specific campaign for this type of action. By creating a Goal in Google Analytics, we can have complete control over the results of the action by determining the conversion rate and other indicators that explain the result of the action. Now that you know how to use the Promote Posts feature on Facebook, let’s get to work and start planning your actions.

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