How to Create an Effective SMS Marketing Strategy for Your Business

The mobile phone is currently taking a prominent place in the daily lives of the French. Statistically speaking, around 60% of French people check their phone nearly 52 times a day, from the moment they wake up until they go to bed. It must be said that the mobile channel is a communication channel that companies should not neglect. Especially for marketing.

Sending marketing SMS, however, remains a challenge for many companies and brands. Indeed, to create an effective SMS marketing strategy, it is necessary to know certain principles. Which ones? Octopush lets you discover them through this article.

Recipient segmentation: the key to successful SMS marketing campaigns
SMS marketing
First of all, launching a successful SMS marketing campaign begins with segmenting SMS recipients. A practice that will help you address the right audience, through the right messages. Enough to launch much more impactful and therefore effective SMS marketing campaigns.

To segment your audience, you can, for example, base yourself on the geographic location or demographic elements of your recipients. Otherwise, you can always opt for the less classic segmentation criteria such as their purchase history for example. This way, it will be much easier for you to encourage your audience to buy by offering targeted suggestions.

Either way, the idea is simple: by segmenting your audience, you ensure that you contact people who are likely to be interested in your products or services.start by adding the first name of your recipient in the content of the SMS. Then, make sure to use the name of your advertising database company as the sender so that you can be easily recognized. Finally, thanks to a good segmentation of your audience, you will also be able to use more personal data.

advertising database

Personalization of SMS marketing: a practice that should not be overlooked

In addition to segmenting your audience, also think about personalizing your marketing SMS. This how sellers are deceived on avito second practice will allow you to give even more impact to your SMS communications. Each marketing SMS sent must be worth reading and must help your company differentiate itself from your competitors. Hence the need to personalize your marketing SMS.

Concretely to personalize your marketing SMS

For example, if you segment your audience according to their purchase history, you will be able to znb directory promote a specific product/service. And this, according to the preferences of your recipient.


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