How to Win More SEO and Digital Marketing Business with Pre-sales Audits

Pitching new business is often one of the most expensive things an agency does – expending resources to do research and legwork to prove why they’re the best How to Win More choice for the client. As the list of agencies competing for business grows, potential clients have started asking for more and more work up front, often unpaid, to prove agency capabilities and client fit.

For agencies

this means quickly and affordably getting access to insights around potential clients, their competitors, and their industry. Conducting a pre-sales buy telemarketing data audit is a popular way to communicate an understanding of current issues on a site from an SEO standpoint. What started as a simple list of identified SEO problems as part of an agency pitch, has now expanded to include content marketing data points and recommendations.
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In this blog, I’ll answer some common questions about pre-sales audits, including:

What’s included in a pre-sales audit?
What are some potential drawbacks?
How can we provide pre-sales audits easily and effectively without spending a lot of time and money?
How can a pre-sales audit help my agency win business?
For most agencies, there’s a review process. That. Happens . When clients are. Considering bringing on outside help. Whether it’s for.. Creative or. Technical skills, or both, there are lots of. Pptions available and many different agency styles, team setups, and individual. Philosophies for tackling problems.
A few of the. Most important. Elements for creating a lasting client. Agency partnership are

Understanding the real goals of the client

Stated goals
Goals your client is being measured on that they may not have told you.
Knowing their expectations and how your team will meet them.
Who is involved in the day-to-day process.
Who has ultimate decision-making authority.
How you’re uniquely qualified to help reach their goals.
For search and content agencies, a pre-sales audit can help to position the agency as a partner for reaching corporate goals.
To communicate your understanding of the company and it’s challenges, use the pre-sales audit to:

Give insight and detail into the client’s expectations around improvements in traffic, rank, conversions, and other performance metrics.
Understand the market situation, including direct and indirect competitors.
What’s included in a pre-sales audit?
First, let’s talk about setting a baseline of current site and  content rank and performance. A baseline provides a shared starting set of metrics which you and the client can discuss. Often, prospective clients.

That your standards and.

The client’s standards for good content performance do not match on all types of content.  That prospects have unrealistic. Expectations for traffic, conversion, rank changes, and other. Metrics that cannot be accomplished based on their budgets, resources, other competitors in market, or other significant factors. It’s good to have these conversations early in. The relationship to avoid painful. Mismatches in .In this post, we present 7 content challenges many marketers and SEOs face and provide solutions to improve findability, engagement, and conversions based on using the data available from a marketing intelligence and SEO platform.

If you write it, they will come – doesn’t really work for content marketing. Just producing content to fill your site with a daily blog, or some other arbitrary reason for creating content, usually results in content that doesn’t get read, or at the very least, doesn’t get read by the right audience.
The problem? Writing content to fill a content quota or other content goal may mean your content is less focused on your audience and more focused on publishing.
Screen Shot  goal of content marketing is to establish authority, gain trust, and become a resource for customers and potential customers. The only way to grow your audience successfully is to answer the questions they’re asking. Knowing what questions are relevant and how to respond is probably one of the biggest challenges facing content marketers today.

Our website traffic is the. Result of organic search, it seems logical to get our content ideas from organic search data. Reasons to use keyword and competitor data gathered from organic search results, including:

 Content topics from search insights

buy telemarketing data

Your content will reflect the language your.
You can monitor which keywords and topics are improving or declining in rank to determine where to create new content and where to refresh old content, saving you time and resources creating content that may not be relevant any more.
Keeping content up to date with current keywords allows you to optimize the content you already have without spending the time and money creating new content and improving ranking positions.
Watching competitor keyword ranking progress will give you new content ideas to win back your audiences.
Challenge #2: Your audience isn’t sharing your content
Creating content isn’t enough to build audiences and increase conversions. The relevancy of your ways to increase instagram business content, you should too. Ultimately, the shareabil ty of your content will determine its ultimate success or failure as a vehicle to drive traffic to your website.
topics and keywords for social media According to a recent New York Times study, people share information most to bring valuable and entertaining content to others and to define ourselves to others. Content marketers can tap into the sharing mindset by monitoring social channels to determine what our audiences consider valuable and entertaining content.

 Social media channels and engagement data

The of the content you already have. Looking at what’s already being shared and where it’s being shared will give you a compass for creating new content and deciding how and where to share it.
Using social media intelligence you can:

Understand which channels work for you and which channels are working for your competitors.
See exactly what content is driving traffic, conversions, and revenue from each social channel.
Compare your share of voice to your competitors.
Knowing what content is driving traffic from social media for you and your competitors will help you determine the sharing mindset of your aero leads audiences. You’ll know what content they consider valuable and make content creation and content optimization decisions based on audience preferences. Build your editorial calendar around topics that will enable your audiences to define themselves as people who follow and share thought leaders and trusted industry resources.

 You don’t really know your audience

We can learn a lot about our target audiences by looking at our current customers and understanding their pain points and preferences.  Current customer. Profiles will not give you all the information you need to interest and. Engage your current prospects or to attract new audience members.
If you have audience persona profiles based solely on your current customers, you may not be resonating with those members of your audience who aren’t as far along in the realization of their needs or understanding of your industry. You may be missing opportunities to connect with the people who influence the buying decision and are researching products and solutions far ahead of the decision

Include top ranking keywords and content in social media posts.
Use top ranking keywords as email subject lines and headers.
Increase engagement with paid efforts using top performing keywords.
Add updated keywords to content and landing pages.
Pair landing pages and content with links to increase content.
Plan new content in different formats based on popular topics.
Slide deck
Blog post
To get the most targeted, actionable data, Erin Robbins, President GinzaMetrics, suggests setting up keyword and content groups. “Getting keyword activity segmented by groups allows you to get notifications for marketing initiatives without having to take the time to sift through full site information. Keywords can belong to more than one group and segmenting by keyword groups for you and your competitors will give you the granular information you need.” she advises.
Keyword groups can reflect:


Messaging strategies
Audience personas
Anything you find important
Whether you’re setting up automatic notifications for all top keyword activity or around specific items such as search engine, device type, conversion type, or keyword group; getting notifications sent directly to your email account will make responding to changes and staying ahead of the competition a lot easier and faster.
search engine performance summary for marketing dashboard


Performance digests for key stakeholders

Instead of logging in daily to compile recent data and get a sense of audience engagement and traffic, marketers can use automated reporting features to create snapshots, called performance digests, of the most critical data you want to see everyday. Performance digests are a good way to give your team, clients, contractors, and executive team timely information relevant to their individual functions while getting timely insights you can use to make real-time decisions.
Performance digests make it possible to send key metrics and analytics data to outside vendors or internal team members automatically to their email inboxes. Now, everyone can get the data they need to inform and improve their daily efforts without the burden of constantly compiling and delivering reports.
“Using our customizable reporting dashboards, performance reports can be completely tailored to the needs of each stakeholder or team member. While some members may want daily digests, others may prefer to get data updates only weekl.

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