Marketers of companies regularly report to management on advertising campaigns. We analyze how a manager can evaluate the provided diagrams, Excel files and tables, together with an expert – digital marketer of Aktion Marketing Igor Zotov.

The main tools of a marketer in 2023 are advertising networks through which a business attracts customers to the site, as well as promotion tools such as email newsletters. The main ones today in Russia are Yandex.Direct, VKontakte, MyTarget, VK Advertising, Yandex Business, Yandex Promo Pages, Telegram, email newsletters, SMM, native and advertising articles on magazine websites.

Let’s look at the main indicators using Yandex

Metrica as an example.

Website traffic is the total number of users library shop who visited the website during a specific period of time. This could be a week, a month, six months, a year, or the period of an advertising campaign. To get an objective picture, it is advisable to choose a long term.

The indicator is attractive because it is very easy to measure. But an increase in the number of visitors from traffic does not mean an increase in sales, there is no direct relationship. However, the opposite works: an increase in sales is almost always accompanied by an increase in target traffic – but it is not necessarily caused by it.

The quality of the site visitors is important

library shop

.They should be at least representatives of the target audience.

There have been cases when a company’s share of the advertising budget in the B2B market for sales of medical equipment was “eaten up” by suspicious citizens of retirement age who were actively interested in offers for the sale of medical products for clinics.

It is important to measure unique visitors, not visits. The same account can log in several times – these are visits. Just as one person can click on an ad from a phone, tablet, and then a computer – visits are not unique. Such cases should not be misleading.

How to interpret
The traffic parameter should be considered in conjunction with others: the dynamics of bounces, conversion to sales, etc. Thus, with traffic growth and a proportional increase in bounces, the effectiveness of marketing is not great.

A flat line on the visit graph means that visitors are coming to the site steadily.

A sharp, explosive growth in visits is most likely a consequence of an advertising campaign, possibly incorrectly configured targeting. Or an offer “that is impossible to refuse” – probably unprofitable for the company or an openly dumping USP.

A gradual increase in visits from different sources indicates systematic marketing work.

A decline in traffic (downward curve) may indicate a decline in interest, a break in advertising campaigns, aggressive marketing by competitors, or ineffective marketing by the marketing department.

If you entrust promotion to experienced specialists from Aktion Marketing , you will be able to receive 24/7 online access to information on the distribution and spending of the advertising budget, the number of leads and other end-to-end analytics tools. Thus, complete transparency is achieved, and you can see in real time where and what the money is spent on.

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