Installing a new WordPress template for your website

A new design for your blog or website is fun, but installing a WordPress template is quite a lot of work. Your content is adapted to the possibilities of your old template. For your readers (and for yourself) you want the adjustment or migration of your website to go as smoothly as possible. In this article you will find important tips that will help you install a new template for your current website. This article is also relevant for people who do not have a blog yet!

Import old articles to your test environment

Of course, you will first test the template in a test environment. Imagine that something goes wrong and a visitor comes to your blog, who then sees that you are tinkering. Not handy! First, you import a number of messages and pages to the test environment. Then you install the WordPress template and activate the new template. Now you can see what your content looks like with the new design. Often not everything looks the way you want, so that is why you are going to test the template. And that will take you some time. Are the images still good, do all plugins work, is the menu correct, etc.

You will definitely check the following points:

Adjust template settings. A good template has general settings. You can find these in a special menu item in your template or in appearance > theme options. Set these correctly, so that you have a clear idea of ​​what you want.

Check some posts and pages. How are the how to build telemarketing data photos in there? Do the featured images need to be resized (you can do this with: Force Regenerate Thumbnails ). Did you perhaps use shortcodes from your old template?

Test the plugins. Some plugins you can test are: WordPress SEO plugin , Jetpack, social media buttons, contact forms and other plugins that have to do with the display of your website.

Are translations possible with the CodeStyling Localization plugin?

How to Build Telemarketing Data

Add widgets to the sidebar. Is there enough space for all the widgets you want to add and are all the widgets you need present?

Basically, you get your blog completely ready, so that you know exactly how it should look. Are there things that you need to adjust or are there “things” that you need to add to your current blog? Then write them down on your to-do list, so that you can quickly work through them when you are going to adjust the blog on your domain name.

Customizing your template (with a child theme)

Your content fits, your plugins work and the theme itself looks reasonable. Still, you are not satisfied. The font is not correct, the bullet points are quite basic and there are a number of things you want to adjust. The best way to do this is to install a child theme. You can then take this with you to your current blog, so that the major adjustments have already been made. How to use a child theme will be discussed in a future blog post. SuperBlogger can strongly recommend it to you. In the meantime, we refer you to the original WordPress manual .

Transferring your new WordPress template

Have you made a to-do list and do you think deel aan verschillende disciplines that the adjustments will not take longer than 3 hours (this is the maximum time that your website may be offline)? Then first make a full backup of your site and then install the WordPress template. After activating your new template, most settings (plugins and WP core) will remain and your content will not change. The only thing that happens is that your blog will get a new design. I myself adjusted the template while my blog was online. If you prefer not to do this, you can choose to temporarily put your website in.

Work through your to-do list. Start with the theme options that you compare with the theme options from the test location. Then customize the featured photos with the plugin I mentioned above.

Do you have a maximum of 50 blog posts (or a lot america phone number of time)? Then go through your blog posts and see if they still look good. If you have something like 300 blog posts, only check the blog posts where you think something might have gone wrong.

If you have new content written or plugins you want to install, add them now

Check the pages, use the search function on your blog, look at the categories, test the contact form etc. Are there any “wrong” things you find? Then adjust them.

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