Electoral Political Marketing

Consulting and Social Media – and Social Media – Dealing with Crisis ManagementWithout a doubt, the most stressful moment for a professional who works in consulting or social media is a crisis. It is impossible to predict the form, much less the immediate impact it will generate, nor its consequences in the medium and long term. For consulting, the situation tends to be even worse, because monitoring is usually flawed or ineffective. Why? I often say that consultancy is a constant state of crisis, divided into three blocks: Information crisis .

Where there is a need to reach a specific audience on a constant basis Management crisis – Counterpoints and feedback usually take a long time to be forwarded (if outsourced) or the service is fragmented Professional identity crisis – Where, even in private spaces, the professional is treated as the figure he represents Electoral Political Marketing Electoral Political Marketing. How digital political marketing should be structured for Internet campaigns. Electoral Political Marketing and the Internet The issue of electoral political marketing will certainly take over the Brazilian digital environment in 2018.

Since Obama’s campaign in 2008



Digital political marketing has gained an unquestionable dimension in the planning of any political campaign in the world, and in the next major elections in Brazil, the electorate should get to know a more mature version of political marketing on the Internet, especially after the demonstrations in June. Although many people seem to have forgotten, electoral political marketing is based not only on promoting a candidacy, but also on creating points of contact with the population. The important thing for candidates and campaign coordinators is to prepare their electoral marketing campaigns on the internet now so that they have effective results at election time, after all, the 2014 electoral calendar has already been defined.

Advertising Database: An advertising database advertising database holds facts approximately and the work this for the work this for the vary important and the work advert campaigns, goal audiences, and overall performance metrics. By studying and the work this for the text this for the work facts, corporations can refine and the work this for the holds and their text for the home and the work this for marketing strategies, improve ROI, and goal the proper customers. It offers insights into customer behavior, taking into consideration extra customized and effective marketing efforts.


There is no point in rushing in the last few weeks to try to raise awareness among voters through social media . This relationship is built over time and needs to be ongoing. Renewed electoral political marketing In the 2016 elections, political electoral marketing in Brazil evolved significantly in some areas.

The problem we have seen is that


advertising database



With rare exceptions, the modeling of political marketing campaigns on the Internet is quite behind schedule, with very few candidates preparing the ground for the most intense phase of electoral campaigns . It seems that a long-term vision for electoral political marketing is missing . Planning in electoral political marketing Political electoral marketing needs time to mature. The key factor in any political campaign on social media is the power of the message to reverberate, and for this reverberation to exist on social media, it is necessary to create an environment of engagement with the public. For this to happen, it is necessary to have an appropriate place – blogs and other social media – with good quality content.

To achieve good results in any digital political marketing campaign , communication with voters must be continuous and personalized. This is what generates engagement and amplification of the message. For this relationship to be built on solid and efficient foundations in terms of electoral political marketing, continuous input is necessary so that the candidate and his ideas are well-defined in the minds of the electorate. Digital political marketing campaigns, even outside the timeframe permitted by the TSE , can be organized in such a way as to create an environment conducive to political discussion, without violating the rules imposed by electoral legislation. In our digital political marketing course, we draw attention to the need to anticipate actions that we intend to have a long-term effect.

The day before an electoral


Campaign is too late to prepare a plan.Importance of blogging in personal marketing on the Internet Importance of blogging in personal marketing Importance of blogging in personal marketing Today we are going to talk about the importance of a blog in personal marketing blueshift recognized with on the Internet, as this is one of the main elements of any online personal branding strategy. Creating a personal blog for your personal social media marketing strategy is an easy way to make your thoughts, ideas, opinions and knowledge public, and best of all, you can do it without any programming knowledge, not even HTML.

The blog is the ideal place to express your views and interact with users, thus strengthening your image and expanding your professional network. Nowadays, anyone can have a blog, simply by creating an account on a free blogging platform like WordPress or Blogger , setting up the blog and starting to write your articles. If you opt for a more professional solution, and I recommend it, you can purchase your own domain and install WordPress . The resources in this case are even greater and the domain itself gives the initiative a much more professional look.

The blog will represent your knowledge and will act as a hub for all your social media activity. It is on your personal blog that you will plant the seeds of your relationships. In a personal marketing and social media strategy, you need to have a central point for your actions and that point is your blog. It is where you will showcase your knowledge and share your achievements. The content of your personal blog The issue of content is not a justifiable problem for not creating a personal blog to incorporate it into your personal internet marketing plan.

If you are looking for a job


You can write about the problems in your area of ​​work and demonstrate that you understand your segment and that the employer may be dealing with a potential employee; If you are a consultant, you can write your thoughts, work and research about your area of ​​expertise. If you are an artist, you can create an online portfolio, publish photos of your work on your blog, detail projects and other ways to publicize your achievements; If you are a business owner, you can include your company’s mission and values ​​on your blog, as well as explanations about the segment and perspectives.

In terms of personal marketing on social networks , I don’t see how to structure a campaign without the presence of a blog, since it is the only social media that asb directory provides such an area for developing and publishing organized content, with flexibility and resources. The meaning of blogging in personal marketing A personal marketing plan on the Internet necessarily involves personal exposure so that recruiters, clients and potential business partners can get to know you better. A blog is the best tool to achieve this goal.

Personal marketing on


Google is an important tool for promoting your personal brand, and blogging is the best tool for this. Therefore, when you are planning to create your personal brand online, do not forget the importance of the blog in personal marketing, as it is the main foundation of all other actions. 5 / 5 By Alberto Valle Published On: October 6, 2013 Categories: Personal Marketing on the Internet Tags: Personal Marketing , Personal Branding Related Posts Personal Marketing on LinkedIn Personal Marketing on LinkedIn October 29, 2023 | 2 Comments Personal Marketing on Social Media Personal Marketing on.

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