How sellers are deceived on AVITO

Avito is one of the most popular online shopping sites in Russia. You can find goods and services of any category, from electronics to jewelry. However, not all buyers and sellers are conscientious and honest. Some of them use various fraudulent schemes to get money or goods without payment or return.

Every year new ways of deceiving buyers and sellers appear on Avito. Today we will talk about how

scammers deceive SELLERS

Substitution of payment page accurate mobile phone number list This is the most popular and oldest method of deception – to convince the seller to follow a phishing link to confirm the payment. Most often, such pseudo-buyers assure you that they cannot transfer to the card, because they have a credit/non-personalized/foreign/special card. But they can pay through Avito-Delivery (in this case, the real site is replaced by a phishing one, similar as 2 drops of water to the real one).

By clicking on the link, the seller is asked to enter the card details where the money will supposedly go, and the amount. After confirmation, the amount flies off the SELLER’S card, and the scammers disappear.

How to avoid such deception?

Does not follow links sent by stranger Do not provide bank card details Use only the original Avito app
When selling via Avito delivery, carefully follow the instructions inside the application, and not in messages from unknown people.Falsification of payment receipt
This is also a fairly old and very popular scheme. The buyer says that he is ready to buy the goods with delivery by mail, courier, etc. He may also ask you to pay for delivery and insurance, saying that he will a

llegedly transfer this money to you.

Then he sends a payment receipt looking for the best seo services  that is very similar to a bank transfer page (nowadays, with the development of technology, it is not a problem to draw it, even including all your details). Then the buyer starts to get nervous and irritate the seller, threatening to contact Avito support, the police, if he does not send the goods immediately.
Bank support can also add fuel to the fire, where (we have already encountered this) they can answer that transfers between cards can take from a few seconds to 3 days!

As a result, the seller sends the goods hoping to receive money. The buyer receives the goods for free, with paid delivery and insurance, and simply disappears.

How to avoid such deception?
Do not agree to transfers between cards, use the SBP, since transfers usually arrive instantly or with minimal delay.
Check the crediting of funds through your bank’s application, and not by the picture sent by the buyer.
Don’t give in to provocations, even if the buyer threatens you with the Hague court!
Do not rush to send until the funds are credited to your account, and immediately voice this condition in correspondence.

Return of goods

This is a more complex and rare ar numbers  method of deception. The fraudster buys a product with Avito delivery, receives it at the PV, and then exchanges it for the same, but fake or broken, and returns it. And in most cases, Avito takes the buyer’s side, because the product may be visually indistinguishable from the original or have no external damage. And it is very difficult to prove your case to the seller after receiving the return. This method of fraud is often found with branded items and electronics.

How to avoid such deception?
If possible, sell in person
Take a photo and video report, where you record the main points: functionality, quality, distinctive features, “jambs” when selling used goods, packaging, delivery to the collection point.

Fake reviews

Quite often, sellers on Avito have started to receive offers to delete negative reviews with a guarantee. The cost of such a service varies around 2-3 thousand. And what is even more interesting is that such offers most often appear immediately after you receive some angry review. Avito support is very slow and in most cases does not help, because these “dissatisfied” people already know the algorithms and try to take into account all the nuances: they carefully look through several pages of different sellers, call and write, creating an imitation of a transaction, and then write a very detailed negative review.

How to avoid such deception?
Under no circumstances should you pay or “feed” such scammers; as long as the scheme works, they will continue to make money this way.
Write and call technical support many times, attach documents, correspondence, calls.
In conclusion, we want to say that selling goods on Avito can be safe and profitable if you follow simple

rules and pay attention to details.

Plus, the site’s policy states that an ad should only list 1 product. No need to write that you make everything from toothpicks to spaceships, setting the price of the cheapest product. Selling socks for 100 rubles – list them separately from tights for 500 rubles. No need to write in a thick sheet of text that you sell 100 types of clothing, 200 types of shoes, make wardrobes, lead excursions to the desert… And I can do cross stitch and use a machine too :)Reply to reviews
Try to leave comments on every review: both positive and negative. Thank the person for taking the time to share their opinion. If the negative review is unfair, inadequate, such an event did not happen, or the review was left by a competitor, you can contact support to dispute it. In this case, it is better to save correspondence and calls if possible. How to respond to reviews, we have already described in the article: are just the metrics that the platform reveals.

Avito also provides recommendations based on your current situation, indicating if you are doing something wrong or not taking enough action to improve your ranking. For example, Avito advised one of our clients to:

Recommendations for improving the quality level on Avito

Avito analyzes your account statistics, considering all indicators for the last 30 days, not necessarily sequentially. Only those days are taken into account when active ads were posted on your profile. Thus, it is quite possible to improve your profile within 30 days, moving from yellow to green. However, with the red level, it will be much more difficult.

The page for this metric details what influences the rating, what the quality is, what tiers there are and what they provide, who sees the data, etc. If there are no recommendations, then you have already extracted the maximum from your account.

When you create an account and the service quality assessment tool for new accounts appears, users automatically receive the standard yellow level. It is important to monitor the quality indicator and promptly implement recommendations. This will help save money by appearing in the recommendations block.

Congratulations to everyone who has a green level, i.e. those who make efforts and actively interact with the platform.
If you need help in promoting a store on Avito, our experts are always ready to help you develop a successful store on the site.

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