7 Reasons to Love an


Instead of asking an employee to write an article on a complex topic, we conduct an interview. All he has to do is call us and answer questions on the given topic.

Now we have information and a rough outline of the article. And the expert did not have to spend much time on the material.

We completely agree. It is impossible to write a good text without an expert. This is not only about blogs – this also applies to social networks, and texts for a website, and presentations, and anything else. Of course, you can bring in outside experts, but you want to convey your company’s experience, not someone else’s, right?

This type of blogging is usually a favorite among clients. And here are 7 more reasons why this approach can be one of the most valuable content creation strategies for your company.

1. The contractor will learn much more about the business

Interviews will help an agency or freelancer get to whatsapp data know the company’s employees much better than just discussing marketing strategies and goals.

This way we will understand the specifics of the employees’ work, the difficulties and nuances. This helps us to tune in to the same wave with the clients and deeply understand their business.

Interview questions start out as a template and then quickly become unique to the topic at hand.

We usually start with the questions “Who will be reading this blog?” and “What problems will this particular article solve for them?” Then we take the outline of the article as a basis and ask questions to clarify any unclear points.

We also ask probing questions about why a company does something this way. This helps us better understand the client’s approach and create a more relevant content strategy.

At the end, we usually ask: “Is there anything else on this topic that we forgot to discuss?” – to make sure we don’t miss anything important.

We also usually prepare a list of questions that we absolutely must go over with the expert. And then, during the conversation, a bunch of clarifications, examples, and explanations arise.

2. It helps experts express their thoughts better

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Have you ever had the experience of trying to write something, but your head is a jumble of thousands of extraneous thoughts? I know for a fact that many people in organizations often face this.

One of the best things that comes from interviewing is that it helps you organize your mind. We have found many times that working through a topic with another person really helps people formulate their thoughts and ideas better.

This benefit extends far beyond the blog. Being able to explain things clearly helps in sales and business development discussions, and helps spread knowledge within your company.

This is one of the reasons why we recommend every author or editor to blog, even if it’s just short posts on social media. Regular blogging helps you organize your mind, better consolidate new knowledge, and explain your thoughts to others more clearly.

3. Blogs become more in-depth

An article created through interviews is hevitra mivarotra eny an-tsena more detailed and well-developed than one written by one person.

In interviews, we can change the course of the discussion depending on the answers. This way, we get more detail than if we simply email a list of questions to the expert.

It takes a long time for a company to become an expert. Creating an expert blog requires depth and detail. Interviews help to get these.

Nowadays, blogs are created by anyone and everyone. But most companies simply hire a team of SEO specialists and copywriters who churn out dozens of articles. It’s easy to compete with them – involve your employees in blogging so that it becomes truly useful.

4. The blog shows the real voice of the expert

One of the hardest things about outsourcing ba leads  content creation is sticking to your brand voice. An interview-based blog makes this a lot easier.

Interviews give you the opportunity to speak the same way as the company’s experts: use typical phrases and expressions, select the same examples. This makes the articles more natural and forms a better impression of the brand.

Once again, we recommend reading the book by Sergey  “Business Evangelist”. He talks about this very well using the example of an interview with a grandfather-builder.

5. It saves time

Interviews allow you to create strong expert articles without taking up a lot of time from your employees. With our approach, a client employee spends less than 45 minutes — and the result is a full-fledged article of 1000-2000 words.

Writing an article, proofreading, editing and publishing all take many times longer.

And it also saves the author’s time. It can take a week to find the information on the Internet that an expert will give in half an hour. And no one can vouch for the accuracy of this information. So experts speed up and reduce the cost of content production. Without them, strong articles would take months to prepare and would cost hundreds of thousands of rubles.

6. It gives ideas for other things.  

In my experience, interviews are full of moments when the expert has a revelation about the business, the industry, or the market in general. This allows for the constant generation of new ideas that will be useful in the future.

During the interview process, you can come up with new topics for articles and newsletters, ways to reach new audiences, get ideas for advertising campaigns, and much, much more.

Yes, regularly communicating with company employees is useful for preparing a content plan. Sometimes you don’t know what else to write about in the blog, and after the interview, a dozen new interesting topics appear.

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