Determine what you do differently from others

The idea will help you “make friends” with an audience that thinks like you. For example, a medical expert who advocates for evidence-based medicine can expose unproven procedures and dummy medications.

Determine what you do differently from others: something in business processes, in the approach to clients, the methodology of execution, etc.

At the stage of formulating the expertise, avoid general phrases: “We will be useful to B2B companies that want to digitize their business.” Every first person in IT development for B2B will say this. Preferably: “We are company X. We work with manufacturing enterprises in the oilfield services, mining and metallurgy industries. We create and help implement automated systems in the field of industrial safety. We are against a non-systemic approach, in which everything is done “for the sake of it” and “so that the inspection will not find fault.” We organize training for employees of the labor protection department. Experience – 10 years in the market.”

 Delegate content production to specialists

Content written by an expert is valuable, but the consistency, structure and headings in the text are better built by a content marketer.

What does a content marketer do?

A content marketer develops a strategy:

who we are writing for: we recommend library shop creating a portrait, with the first and last name, what the audience representative does and how he lives (there may be several such portraits);

why we create content: to formulate a problem and create a need, introduce a product, work through objections, etc.;

where people will find out about us: register the channels where our messages will appear;

how we communicate with the audience: on a first-name basis or informally, are jokes appropriate, what style of presentation to use;

What we talk about: products, services, service, we work through objections, etc

library shop

He is responsible for creating and distributing content : collecting information, processing it into content suitable for a particular platform: for example, even text cleaning the gym: how to do it right messages in Telegram and VK will be different. He does this independently or in a team.

Motivate experts to help with content

The point of expert content is useful information. The cn numbers job of the person creating the content is to take the expertise from the head of a professional, wrap it in content, and distribute it through channels where your audience will see it.

But be prepared: experts will find dozens of excuses (quite sincere!) not to photograph the production process, not to write the material or not to meet with the content marketer once again.

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