Companies that should use the affiliation model

Now that you know some of the key advantages of the membership/subscription model, let’s look at which tipos de empresas would benefit the most from the transition.

Here we say, If you have customers, you need MemberPress . And that’s because almost every business could benefit from incorporating memberships.

However, there are some types of companies that, if they don’t use the subscription model, it’s a real shame.


If that is the case

Consider starting a completely new company separate from your current business.

¿Tiene alguna aficiones o áreas de especialización that people would be willing to pay for?

Maybe you have experience playing piano ? Consider creating an online music school lik

Getting a new client
Establish a project contract
Completar y entregar el proyecto
With the affiliate model, you could free trial offer significantly expand your recurring revenue (and your overall earning potential) by offering paquetes de servicios something like.

free trial offer

5 deliveries/month for a monthly fee of $X

20 horas/mes por una cuota mensual de $X o una cuota anual con descuento de $X
Bronze, Silver and Gold web aero leads maintenance plans with tiered monthly pricing
Además de sus planes mensuales/anuales, podría ofrecer servicios complementarios (which function more like one-off pieces) at varying prices.

By structuring your pricing βασικά στοιχεία ενός επιτυχημένου μολύβδου μαγνήτη this way, you significantly increase your recurring revenue potential by locking customers into a plan de pago regular .

Recycle and reuse content
As this very web design company, you would probably produce a lot of individual websites for individual clients.

Instead, you can create a high-quality

WordPress tema and offer it as part of a service package.

Lo mismo se aplica a many other results you may produce for your clients on a one-time basis.

For example, let’s say you provide servicios de coaching o consultoría . Podrías reciclar y reutilizar tus conocimientos creando educational videos , cursos y otros contenidos de formación.

Then put that content behind a muro de pago and make it available to customers via subscription.

To pique customer interest (and preserve your SEO), you could even allow free partial page views.

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