MemberPress Downloads Plugin

Step 2: Upload your software
You’ll want your customers to be able to download your software in a digital file. Fortunately, MemberPress makes this task easy, too.

How to Sell Files (Digital Downloads) on WordPress with MemberPress
Para ello, puede utilizar la función MemberPress Descargas plugin. Just go to MemberPress > Addons e instale el Descargas opción:

A continuación, vaya a MP Downloads > Files > Add New . Give your program a name and upload the file:

Add software file in MemberPress

Por último, haga clic en Publique .

Next, you can set up your subscription plans.

Step 3: Create your software subscription plans
Affiliations are an important part of selling your software. This is where you will showcase your product’s opciones de precios and what features are included in each tier.

For example, take a look at the following screenshot of our pricing page. It’s built using – lo has adivinado – MemberPress.

Example of affiliation with a image masking computer program
To create your own, click MemberPress > Memberships > Add New . Then give your new membership a name.

basic image editing services

Create a new affiliation

En Condiciones de afiliación Set a price for your software. To create subscriptions, select a Recurrente tipo de facturación. Estos son adb directory los intervalos de facturación entre los que puede elegir:

Cada 3 meses
Cada 6 meses
Custom made
You can also set up a periodo de prueba . This way, customers ჩანჩქერი Vs. სწრაფი Vs. DevOps- წარმოების რომელი მეთოდი უნდა გამოიყენოთ? can try out your software for free before purchasing it:

Best WordPress Themes for Apps

If you’ve just finished your computer program, you’re probably eager to get into selling.

The good news is that MemberPress comes with a built-in pager called ReadyLaunch™ . And it’s activated upon installation.

Just choose the colors, add your logo, put in some custom text and voila – you get gorgeous MemberPress pages that…

Mobile response
Optimizado para vender y
Between the MemberPress setup wizard and the ReadyLaunch™ pagemaker, you can have your site set up and ready to sell in less than a day.

But first, you’ll need something to sell.

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