Our final tips for selling better on your blog

Reaching as many Internet users as possible has always been the goal of a blog. In addition, it is a good practice for communicating. However, to convert it, chance is not enough. Between landing pages and regularity of publications, converting a blog is meticulous work. To do this, here are three practical tips.


Choose targeted landing pages

You should know that a blog is phone number library not a page on which you can spread all your sales pitches. It is rather a medium used to transmit information through the creation of content to ensure better optimization of your website , free of access and with high added value for visitors. However, it is recommended to adjust your posts to better sell your blog.

In landing pages, program the transition from one medium to another, such as a redirect from your blog to your corporate site or from the newsletter registration form to your blog. Each page should be aligned with the target Internet users and the initial content.


phone number library

In a way, targeted content and addressing, incentive and call-to-action (CTA) are techniques to use in developing your landing pages.

In other words, you must:

  • Define your landing page right from the addressing procedure. It is therefore previously intended for a target segment that you plan to attract to your blog.
  • Post content of the same type that your visitors read to increase their engagement.
  • Motivate your readers through incentives with gifts, promotions, offers, free trials. In short, make a unique proposition to boost your blog conversion.


Make conversion easy on your blog

An Internet user spends no more lead generation in the healthcare industry: examples from b2c companies than 8 seconds of his time on a blog. As soon as he has to think about the actions and options offered to him, the risks of losing him are high.

In this sense, you must proceed by testing. Experiment with your registration form yourself and ask those around you to try it (family, friends, etc.). The best would be to find testers who know nothing about your device with target profiles.

In summary:

  • Make your CTAs prominent. Always agb directory plan for the possibility that your visitor won’t find them the first time.
  • Place your CTAs in different locations to test them and choose your template based on its functionality.
  • Emphasize consistency by standardizing the different templates on each page without losing sight of your blog’s conversion.

Also read: How to create a semantic cocoon?


Ensure your notoriety by publishing periodically

Regular re-edition of content maintains your relationship with your visitors. At the same time, you invest in improving SEO, this can be done by outsourcing to young Malagasy editors for example.

In this case, encourage your readers to visit your blog regularly through new content. To know the appropriate frequency of publication, only your visit rates and your Analytics will allow you to set it.

However, it is important that your publications are constantly stable. Indeed, it is better to post a short but quality article than to publish nothing at all. Then, enrich your content to advertise it to Internet users in the same way that you invest in its writing via professional editors.


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