Familiarity with Jamstack architecture and its benefits for web development

Have you ever wondered how you can make your website faster and more secure? Or why some sites load so fast that even blinking lags behind them? The answer to these questions is in a new and extremely modern architecture called JAMstack.

JAMstack is a unique solution for building websites that are not only fast and user-friendly, but also highly secure. JAMstack stands for three core technologies: JavaScript for adding dynamic interactions, APIs for connecting to various services, and Markup for displaying static content. With this combination, you can create a site that is both attractive and always ready to work.

Imagine having a website that offers the fastest possible experience to users without the need for complex server processes. With JAMstack, the content of your site is already generated and served to the user from the nearest server. This means that the loading time will be minimized and users will love the speed and smoothness of your site.

In the rest of this article, you are going to understand what JAMstack is, how it works and why you should use it. Join us to enter the fascinating and fast-paced world of JAMstack and find out how you can create sites that will surprise everyone with this modern architecture!

What is Jamstack?

Jamstack is a modern architecture for website development that has three main parts: JavaScript for adding dynamic interactions to the site, APIs for communicating with various services, and Markup for static content. JavaScript allows you to make your website pages dynamic and user-friendly, while APIs allow you to use external services such as payment systems, databases, and weather services. Markup is also responsible for displaying static content that has already been produced and is ready to be presented to users.

Instead of using traditional servers, this architecture produces website content in advance and stores it in CDN servers. The result is that your website loads much faster and is more secure. Because the content is provided to the user from the closest server, the loading time is minimized and the users will have a fast and smooth experience. On the other hand, because there is no need to process dynamic servers, possible attacks are reduced and the security of your site is guaranteed.

With Jamstack, you no longer need to worry about dynamic server problems and you can safely focus on developing new features. In addition, this architecture helps you scale your site easily, that is, serve more users without slowing down. In this way, you will provide a better experience for your site users and you will be relieved of technical problems. In short, Jamstack is a smart solution for building today’s websites that maximizes speed and efficiency and allows you to worry about the development and development of your site with peace of mind.

How did JAMstack come about?

Looking back on the history of the web, we’ve always looked for ways to make websites faster and more efficient. JAMstack is one of these methods that was gradually recognized as a modern and optimal solution for web development. In this section, we want to see how JAMstack came into being and why we came to it at all.

Genesis of JAMstack

JAMstack, which stands for JavaScript, APIs and Markup, was born as a new architecture in response to the modern needs of the web. Before JAMstack entered the field, most websites were built with traditional architectures such as LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP). These architectures operate based on dynamic servers and include everything from server processes to content management. With the increasing demand for faster and more efficient websites, developers are looking for new solutions that better meet the needs of users.

Reasons for the emergence of JAMstack

One of the main reasons for the emergence of JAMstack was the increasing need for higher speed and more security in websites. Traditional websites face problems such as slow loading, security issues and difficulty in scaling. With the expansion of the Internet and the increase in the number of users, the need for new architectures that can solve these challenges was felt.

JAMstack was able to answer these needs by separating different parts of a website and focusing on static content. In this architecture, website content is pre-produced and stored on CDN (content distribution network) servers. This makes website pages load quickly and is more secure, because there is no need for dynamic servers and traditional databases.

With these explanations, it is clear how JAMstack was recognized as a new and optimal solution for web development and was able to answer many old challenges. By combining its three main elements, this architecture has been able to create a revolution in the web world and pave the way for faster, safer and more efficient websites.

What is a static website?

A static website is actually a collection of pages whose content is already produced and fixed. These pages contain HTML, CSS, and sometimes JavaScript codes that are displayed directly to users without the need for server-side processing. Unlike dynamic websites, which receive and process information from the database every time the user opens a page, static pages are presented to the user as they are. This makes static websites load much faster and more secure because they don’t need to interact directly with the database.

Now imagine you have a personal website where you put your portfolio and contact information. These pages are already created and every time someone visits your site, these pages will be displayed to them as they are. Now, if you want to add a new project to the portfolio, just create a new HTML file and add it to the server. This will make the loading speed of your site very high and users will be able to access the information they want without any delay.

How to manage backend functions with JAMstack?

In JAMstack architecture, backend functions or server side logic are managed by APIs. These APIs can be serverless functions that run on cloud services such as AWS Lambda, Azure Functions or Google Cloud Functions. These functions are automatically scalable and you do not need to manage the server. This way, instead of always managing a server, you only think about writing and deploying small, independent functions.

With this method, whenever you need server-side processing or logic, you can write a serverless function that will be executed only when the user sends the request. For example, suppose you have a store website and you want to send the information to the database when a user registers an order. By writing a serverless function, this is easily done and most importantly, it is executed only when needed and never idle.



In the article ” What is the concept of being serverless? ” we examined the concept of being serverless more comprehensively. Be sure to take a look at it



How is JAMstack related to microservices?

In JAMstack architecture, communication with microservices is done through APIs. Microservices are small parts of a larger application that each perform specific tasks. Using APIs, JAMstack websites can easily communicate with these microservices and benefit from their services. This connection makes every part of the website work independently and optimally and eliminates the need for heavy and long processing.

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