How much does an SEO audit cost?

When you decide to work on the organic positioning of a website, the first step is to carry out an initial analysis or audit of the website. One of the most frequently ask questions when you want to hire this service is: how much does an SEO audit cost?

In this post we will give some guidelines about this initial document, pricing guidelines and everything you should know if you are thinking about.

What is an SEO audit?

Broadly speaking, we can define an SEO audit as a document that compiles and details various aspects of a website that affect its organic positioning in search engines , that is, the position that the website occupies in the results of natural searches associat with the business.

This is a fundamental initial step before starting to work on the SEO of a project, as it constitutes the basis on which to establish the strategies that will be carri out later.

Analyzing the initial state of a site is essential, both for the SEO manager, who will be able to know in advance what the project’s shortcomings and nes are, and for the client, who will obtain a detail assessment of what their business may really ne to improve its search engine positioning.

From this document, conclusions can be drawn and short- and mium-term courses of action can be taken at the SEO level , bas on those actions that can generate the greatest impact in the shortest time, and on the approach of a strategy that allows for continuous growth in the organic positioning of a project.

What is analyz in an organic SEO positioning audit?

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Person or agency that executes it

  • Technical audit . This audit collects all the data relat to the indexing status of the site, as well as problems and/or improvements relat to many other factors that affect positioning: configuration of the sitemap file or the robots.txt directory, optimization of meta tags and content, possible problems with duplicate content, thin content , cannibalization or problems relat to loading spe and mobile usability.

Both parts of the audit are essential and must coexist in order to guide the strategy and priorities, which must appear in an action document or roadmap .

How much can an SEO audit cost?

 As we mention in the previous section, this will depend on who is in charge of carrying it out.

If we search on Google, we can find free or very cheap web positioning audits that are usually carri out through tools that get to know gutenberg membership blocks for memberpress launch an automat analysis of the website. These are very basic analyses and, therefore, have many shortcomings and do not reveal which are the most critical errors or the most recommendable improvements to implement.

The price of an SEO audit will depend on the

If your idea is to have a reliable image of the positioning status of your website, you will find very variable prices, but €200 (+ VAT), and can go up to more than €1,000, depending on the type of website and how big it is.

An audit of this type will include multiple exhaustive analyses and specific recommendations for that website, nothing is done “in series”, as it requires a certain number of hours from a professional. In addition, it will serve as a work guide for the following months. Considering that SEO is a digital marketing technique that allows for sustain results in the mium and long term and that it should be work on for at least 6 months, this amount is quite reasonable if you want to work on SEO in a professional way.

If you don’t plan on doing SEO and are simply curious about some basic aspects of the web, then an automat analysis of what you can find online will probably be enough for you.

Why is it so important to audit my website’s SEO ?

As we have mention throughout this article, an audit provides a detail picture of the initial SEO status of a web project.

We have also referr to aub directory the two aspects into which this document is normally divid. Both parts are essential to be able to correctly understand the reason for the current position of the project and, especially, to be able to make decisions bas on the greatest nes that it may have.

A good SEO audit usually costs at least

We can say that, while the technical audit lays the foundations for a project to be in good condition to be position on Google, the strategic audit forms the engine in which the actions to be carri out are prioritiz.

Work on the organic positioning of a website

Therefore, we can conclude that the cost of an SEO audit represents a long-term investment if you want to , by laying the groundwork on which to plan actions and strategies.

We can help your online business grow its SEO positioning . If you want more details about our SEO services,and we will keep you inform.

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