What is brand media and how does it work?

Bundles may work ineffectively, target the wrong audience, or not work at all. The result is the same – you lose money. In this article, we will tell you what you can do about it.

What is a working marketing link?

There may be many links in how to build phone number list your marketing, but only 1-2 are working. And task #1 is to find them, and task #2 is to scale them as much as possible.

The working marketing mix looks like this:

The connection works:

if it is aimed at one segment of the target audience;

addresses one customer need, rather than promising a universal pill;

offers one product that will meet the client’s needs;

uses one creative that generates interest in this segment;

uses one tool with which we interact with this segment.

Such combinations definitely work: over 10 years of work, we have promote 400+ companies with their help and the results continue to impress. More about the results below.

Why do such connections work?

The customer segment is the starting point of a working marketing chain.

Many companies don’t segment their audience. They see it Hevitra mivarotra eny an-tsena like this: our clients are all entrepreneurs, all marketers, or all women age 25-45.

But each of them has their own pain. Someone goes to a private clinic because their knee hurts, and someone else – to remove a scar. We can’t yet know the pain of each of them, but we can divide the problems into groups.

A working marketing mix is ​​not focused on the ge lists entire audience, but on a group. Choose a customer segment, explore their pain points . Tell them why your product will solve their problems better than others.

Marketing Mastermind: Find a Working Link

Practical work to find solutions for attracting clients to business
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And only when the customer segment and their pain are define. Create an offer and select sales channels. Think about how you can reach the segment and sell to it more easily, cheaply and quickly.

Spoiler: the channels of communication with each segment are different. In your business, they may not even intersect.

A working bundle is one segment, one pain, one offer and one combination of sales channels. It is impossible to cover the pains of the entire market.

Cases and proofs

Case 1. Online grocery delivery service
Yalla Market is an online grocery delivery service in the UAE. They came to us with a task: to increase the number of users of the application.

Globally, their audience is all Dubai residents who are able to install the app on their phone.

We did it differently: we divide the audience into segments and saw who buys through the service more often.The audience became more humane and acquire faces. Each segment had its own grocery basket mothers had it filled with baby food. Healthy lifestyle enthusiasts had protein products from specific brands. We decide to start from the basket.

Or rather, from the amount of products in it. The biggest check was for healthy lifestyle people – they buy a lot of expensive products and a lot of water. Selling to athletes is more profitable.

Case 2. Brand of acoustic speakers

We found another combination for a new brand of acoustic speakers. The founders came to us in 2019, and three years later. Their turnover grew from zero to a billion. In this case, the marketing combination became the key success factor. If we had started selling speakers to the entire market, we would have most likely lost, because we simply would not have had enough resources for this.

The acoustics market is complex and difficult – there are many strong competitors and people trust proven brands, for example – Sony and JBL. The latter occupies 80% of the market.

How to tell the whole market that the new speakers are good, and also cheaper?


We again took only one segment — active youth from the regions. For them, the 20-30% price difference matters. They need the column to organize large-scale parties on the street or at home.

We started promoting the brand through opinion leaders — dancers, musicians, athletes. Then we sponsored several dance and snowboard festivals . We sent speakers to the winners as gifts from sponsors.

Case 3. Premium doors

One of the most creative combinations we have achieve is in the premium door market.

Our client sells doors in the premium segment — makes custom designs. At one of the strategy sessions, the owner told how his wife sold 2 doors through the general chat at home: in the discussions, they aske to recommend a good manufacturer. The wife got busy — told about the production and promise a discount.

We realize that one of the audience segments is in such chats -people with the doors from the developer.

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